#Days A lot of the conversation EYE am seeing around Theo is riddled with microaggressions and anti-Blackness. From overt shit like “Ben should slap him back to Africa” and subtle shit like talking about his hair and subscribing the worst possible motives to his actions.
Theo, a character we have known his whole life, isn’t being given the benefit of the doubt. He’s not getting an ounce of empathy or tiny bit of grace. Every action he takes is being put under a microscope and found sinister.
And while I have seen some criticism of Ciara and some of Ben, it is ONLY Theo that is being dragged for things he MIGHT do. It is only Theo who is having what he said onscreen about his feelings dismissed and replaced with sinister reasons. That is NOT a coincidence.
Eye have seen tweets accusing Theo of:

keeping Ciara “in a brain fog.”

Lying to Ciara.

Having an affair with Ciara.


Sad sack of shit.

Messed up.

No different than Stefan.

This is what is being said about him.
And don’t give me “not all” criticism of Theo is like this. The fact is ENOUGH of it is and not enough people are calling it out. In fact, when it first started people told folks we weren’t seeing what we were seeing. And now here we are.
It’s getting more vicious and toxic and abusive and yes, racist. And while fandom racism is a feature and not a bug in fandom spaces, that’s not a reason to let it continue unchecked.
When you see this stuff cross your TL or get posted in your fan groups and say NOTHING or worse, participate in narratives that strip Theo of his humanity, you’re allowing this type of toxic, racist, anti-Black behavior to take root and become synonymous with your fanbase.
And hit dogs can holler and you can get in your feelings if you want to, but maybe instead of getting mad at me and jumping in my mentions to defend the indefensible, maybe take that energy and direct it at the people who are actually participating in this behavior.
You can follow @Dylan_StJaymes.
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