Honestly, I don't even think I need to say it. But Dhar Mann videos are downright awful to the point of parody. Like everyone is a shallow stereotype and really does not show off acting prowess.
Being in a Dhar Mann vid is not good for a portfolio. If the person whose doing the auditions for future acting careers looks up Dhar Mann videos from your resume, you'd be fucked backwards and laughed all the way through the hole of the ozone layer.
Disney Channel live-action shows have more believable situations and acting than this rat poison. I'm downright delirious from his content, I'm shocked to think that anything gets greenlit. Then again, he is the quality control. His name is plastered on everything.
The reason I made this thread was that I'm in a state of unexplainable emotion. Something deep inside me is demanding I let this out. I'm absolutely flabbergasted and in a state of disappointed euphoria and mean it when I say: What the Deep Fried Fuck is a Dhar Mann?
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