Fuck yes this game has an "EVIL" meter
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I tried to kill a hornet, accidentally fell inside a giant tree and then got stung to death by giant hornets at the bottom of the tree. There was a chest there but I couldn't open it. I'm googling for an instruction manual
Ahh, I see... now it all makes sense...
Rare Ltd giving me a frickin strategy guide and a motivational lecture and I just wanted to know what button opens the chest or how to interact with the conspicuously sprite-colored acorn
Oh… I hast discovered gems
UPDATE: I got turned into a panchinko ball and then had to fight a giant bouncing skull (I got devastated)
There's more evil than there was before :(
That's worth 5,000 points
Shout out and condolences to anyone who was taught an inaccurate notion of Early Modern English by video games. Just permanently stymied in any attempt to comprehend Shakespeare or the King James bible. Sorry, I mean: Thy LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION hast decreased by 3
This giant bat keeps killing me
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