TW: mentions of kidnapping, guns, drug cartels

I know this comment was made a few weeks ago but I have a need to speak out on why it was so wrong for the person to say this.
First of all, this comment angered me because Mexico is truly so much more than drug cartels. It’s a country full of culture, beautiful landscapes and the kindest people ever. We truly find the way to find joy even in the darkest of times and have a reason to party about anything
And second of all, it angered me because this person doesn’t know first hand what it’s like to live in the middle of a drug war...I do.
I live in a border state that connects Mexico to the US. My city is a passageway from the people who make drugs to those who order them.
I remember being 9 or 10 and having to stay inside of my house, not being able to be out when it was dark in fear of being caught in a gun fight or being kidnapped. So many of my friends left town in fear of being taken hostage, my school felt empty for about 6 years.
There was one time I was sick and napping but had to wake up because I heard gunshots on the street behind my house. Also, two years ago I was studying for a presentation and heard gunshots, I found out on Twitter they were just a few blocks from where I live.
Students from my school have been kidnapped, friends of mine have had to hide in their closets because people entered their houses.

I can even differentiate a gunshot from any other quick boom noice because I’ve heard too many in my 19 years of life.
Drug cartels are not a joke. It’s not something to say lightly. It caused pain and suffering to thousands of families in my city, state and country.

So please, be aware of what you joke about because this comment was beyond racist and not funny at all.

(End of thread)
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