Celebrating the misery and death of objectively terrible people who have made it their life’s mission to make the world a worse place is the most liberating thing you can do when everything feels so helpless.
Rush Limbaugh is dead and I can breathe a little easier at night knowing that.
Not everyone in the world deserves to be heard out or respected. Bigots who crush the lives of others don’t deserve anything. You don’t owe them respect.

When they’re gone and the world is marginally a little bit better, celebrate that. It’s a victory and it matters.
Far as I care, people who take away someone else’s ability to live a happy life or play a major part in that system by fighting to keep it alive don’t get to rest in peace.
Anyway, to that point

🦀🦀Harvey Weinstein has limited time left on this earth🦀🦀
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