Hundreds staying put outside the police station. A vigil elsewhere in the city is also going on as well (below).
Another view of the sizable crowd:
The vigil seems peaceful from all accounts. I was worried about the police showing up and am glad they avoided the area.
The cop flag has been taken down.

I've seen a few reports about state police putting gas masks on. Attacking this group is totally unneeded.
Various LEOs staging near the fence. Why be the aggressor here?
Crowd has been ordered to disperse. Riot cops at the ready.
The media is exempt from the curfew. The police know that. This is a tactic—either to frighten journalists or to set the stage for false arrests or both—and it's BS.
The gassing begins anew. I hope the families in the nearby apartment building are better prepared tonight. Why not just sit back and protect the station? This seems egregious.
Last night's gassing reached families, including children.
Law enforcement has turned Brooklyn Center into a warzone.
Brooklyn Center engulfed in the kind of billowing tear gas clouds we here in Portland know all too well. Those apartments across the street are going to need deep cleansing. Hoping kids aren't there tonight.
If you haven't had the experience of being enveloped in a tear gas cloud as large as multiple city blocks it's difficult to convey what the experience is like exactly, but watching poisonous smog overtake hundreds of people stays with you.
Some info on MN's stockpile of chemical weapons, many of which are considered war crimes when used in international conflicts.
I cannot stress enough how bad this is and how deeply these apartments will need to be cleaned. The aimless firing of CS is never without victims as the poison saturates everything it touches. I know all too well.
Photojournalist peppered sprayed in the face by law enforcement. This is something else I know all too well. Photog says medics came to his aid, they've done the same for me in Portland many times. Stay safe @CarlosGphoto.
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