Guys I really wanna talk about the ending of Z and why I think it’s great. If you have any thoughts pls jump in!!
First, I love any tournament so it’s fun we go back to the classic grounds. I love seeing Trunks and Goten grown up, and I love than Bulla/Bra and Pan are born. Sure cool to see all of the families and everyone aged up.
Second, I love Uub. Obviously I would have liked to SEE Goku train him. But, I like where Z leaves it off... that Goku will train him. They have a good little fight, but Uub needs a master before Goku can get the fight he’s looking for.
I think it’s cool that Uub is a uniquely powered boy from nowhere like Goku once was.
Third, I like the ending thematically. I like that Goku found a possible successor, I like that a good version of Kid Buu was able to come back. Vegeta jokes out seeing through Goku’s desire for a good fight. And I like when Goku says he’ll come back to visit sometimes :p
Also, pan is just super cute I love her as a little kiddo.

So, send me your thoughts pls thanks!!!
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