The Care Bear Countdown 🌙✨

Ship: #dkbk, Little! Katsuki, Daddy! Izuku

- Sfw, fluff, plushies, and little space
- Warning: I can’t guarantee you won’t want to buy a Care Bear after...

#bnhansfw #mhansfw
(only tagging this because of little space and my acc)
Katsuki was laying in bed, bored out of his mind. Izuku was still doing his afternoon patrols and probably wouldn’t be home for a couple of hours. While Katsuki got to head home early today as his part of the city hadn’t been very busy.
His red eyes scanned lazily around the room until they landed on the other side of the bed where some of his plushies were.

A small smile crossed his face when he saw a light blue bear. It was one of Izuku’s most recent gifts, something called a “Care Bear”.
Katsuki had never heard of them before, but Izuku apparently had and told him that each one had a different symbol on its belly. This one in particular had a sleepy moon on it.
For some reason the bear comforted Katsuki even when he was just simply looking at it, it was something about the pastel blue colour of its fur and it’s sleepy expression.
Izuku also had told him these “Care Bears” were actually pretty popular and they all had different names and personalities. Katsuki had meant to search his bear up, but he had been busy all week and forgot.
He reached over for the blue bear. He looked into its eyes, petting its blue fur with his fingers, soothing himself with the small motions. He looked at it and contemplated letting himself sink into his little space.
He didn’t like to do it without Izuku around, so he decided against it. For now he could find out this sleepy bear’s name.

He got up from the bed and grabbed his laptop from his desk. He then flopped back down and hugged the blue bear to his chest.
He opened the laptop and input “Care Bears” into the search engine. He was met with images of bears of all colours and different symbols on their bellies.
It warmed his heart immediately, the bright colours were so fun. He clicked on a website that would tell him all their names. He scanned through them, searching for the blue bear he had. There he was! He was named Bedtime Bear.
How fitting, Katsuki thought as his red eyes looked down at the sleepy bear.

His heart softened even more when he read the description of the bear.
“Bedtime Bear is perpetually sleepy in nature, and he loves nothing more than a good sleep. He is often tasked with ensuring the restful slumber of children and Care Bears alike. Whether the situation at hand involves helping someone overcome a fear of the dark,
curing insomnia, or simply providing a soothing presence, this dozy denizen of Care-A-Lot can always be relied on to make sure everyone gets a good night's rest.”
This Bedtime Bear was apparently more then just a sleepy guy, he helped people too. He hugged him tighter, knowing how sweet of a personality the bear had, made Katsuki love him even more.
He went back to the list and scanned through them, a bright green one caught his eye, immediately thinking of Izuku. Apparently it’s name was Good Luck Bear.
The description read, “Good Luck is a fortuitous bear that never seems to run out of good luck. However, this has less to do with the fact that he can create his own four-leaf clovers, and more to do with his exceptionally bright, positive outlook on life.
Truly believing that there is no such thing as "bad luck", the fortunate fellow tries to help others by improving the power of their own self-confidence and removing all doubt from their heart.”
This sounded so much like Izuku, wanting to help others and their own self-confidence. He also had a sunshiny outlook on life that sometimes made Katsuki want to puke. He quickly texted Izuku a picture of the bear, and a picture of the description.
He wondered what response he’d get when Izuku was done work.

Katsuki wondered if there was a care bear that matched his own personality. He rolled his eyes when he saw bears like “Friend Bear” or “Do-Your-Best Bear”.
He was surprised when he saw an elderly bear called, “Grams Bear”, how cute. Then he finally saw one that called to him. “Grumpy Bear”, this bear was dark blue and seemed to have a scowl on his face.
The description was even more perfect, “Grumpy is a practitioner of "tough love", taking a more straight-forward approach to solving problems, and isn't afraid to tell it like it is. [...]
Despite his antisocial traits, he's not above sharing a smile with his friends on special occasions, even if he pretends not to like it”.

He sent two more pictures to Izuku, the bear and the description once again, this time saying, “Look it’s me.”
He looked at the site for a few more minutes, taking note of how he liked some of the other bears and their colours. He’d have to go shopping later. For now, he was getting kind of tired.
He closed his laptop and set it on the beside table beside him. He pulled up the blankets over himself and cuddled Bedtime Bear with a small smile on his face.
“So Bedtime Bear, would you help me take a nap?” Katsuki whispered down at him after letting out a yawn.

He chuckled to himself, then he closed his red eyes. He pet the bear, the soft fur under his fingers lulling him to sleep.

Izuku got the texts around an hour later. He was finally done patrol and he was back in the locker room. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his costume and saw he had some texts from Katsuki. He immediately got a bit worried, he couldn’t help it when it came to Katsuki.
He read the texts and smiled as he saw that Katsuki had been researching about the Care Bear he had got him earlier this week. Katsuki sometimes had a hard time sleeping at night, always thinking too much.
Izuku thought the sleepy looking bear might comfort him. Katsuki had a ton of plushies already but this one just seemed perfect for the job.
Then Izuku saw a picture of a green bear and the personality description with a caption of, “Hey look it’s you.” Izuku had to admit, it did sound a lot like him. He laughed out loud, cheeks turning a bit red at the similarities of him and the bear, the bear was even green!
Then he saw a picture of another bear, this one dark blue. He was confused, how could this be Katsuki, all the bears seemed so...positive? Then he read the description. Grumpy bear perfectly fit Katsuki as well. Izuku laughed even harder at this.
The smile stayed on his face when he got dressed in his casual after work clothes.

He wasn’t going to go home just yet, first he had a special stop to make.

The drive to the toy store where he got Bedtime Bear wasn’t far, it only took him around 10 minutes to get there. He often came here after work to get something when Katsuki had been a good boy and deserved a reward.
Katsuki /had/ worked hard this week, so buying him two more plushies wouldn’t spoil him too much.

Izuku remembered seeing other colours of Care Bears when he had first picked out Bedtime Bear, so he hoped that the ones Katsuki showed him were in plush form too.
He quickly made his way to the plushie aisle and zoomed over to the care bear display. He instantly saw dark blue fur.

Grumpy Bear was here! He grabbed it immediately, looking at the grumpy expression on its face and the grumpy rain cloud on its belly. Totally Kacchan.
He put it in his basket and looked around some more. There was a purple bear, which was apparently “Share Bear”, a pink one named “Cheer Bear” and some others. Then he found what he was looking for. Good Luck bear!
The green bear was equally as cute, with his bright happy eyes and the clover on his chest.

He put him in the basket as well and quickly made his way to the checkout, buzzing with excitement at showing Katsuki. He couldn’t keep the big smile off his face during the ride home.
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