I'm today years old when I realised that when I post pictures like this, peeps may be like "ohhh yeah they like womxn and sexualise them"...but on a level it's really just because the outfit is bangin' and femmes are me and I am them in so many ways and the respect is deep.
I really feel that gender is a performance, but it can be playful and fluid. So many people that I post (particularly on insta) are often serving fierce, femme energy and that is what I feel inheritanly connected too, not necessarily womanhood.
using the word "femme" over the descriptor "feminine" is a key component in claiming my queerness. It's not about the traditional views of femininity for me, it's about radically reclaiming and queering the traditional.
You're going to use the correct pronouns for me, because that's who I am, regardless of if you think I look feminine or not. It's not about what that word means for you traditionally it's about who I am in the present.
And also... somewhere else in this topic is that we have such a want and need to be attractive and often femininity is the way people perform that.
Things are more complex than these BBY tweets, but all in all... I'm not a fan and do not want binaries for myself xoxo
There's another piece from my first tweet, that is really about the way people see queerness as a really sexualised aspect of identity/how partriachy assumes that anyone attracted to womxn will be 'one of the boys' and take part in the same objectifying behaviour.
Alas, these are just thoughts enit.
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