I don't expect anyone to pay attention, I just want people to understand.

Calling Covid-19 the "Chinese Flu" IS racist.

Try to explain to me how using this term has zero anti-Chinese sentiment.

Now my Father never calls radio stations, but this point has to be made.

Racism against Asians has been present for generations, ever since my great grandfather paid a head-tax to immigrate to this country, a tax paid simply because he was Chinese.

The fact that this remark was said so casual and he has moved on like nothing has ever happened, shows the blissful ignorance of this issue.

To know that something is hateful and still say it proudly is worrying to say the least.

The people who make these remarks are never going to say "I know what I said was racist".

They know what they're saying is hateful but it's not offensive to them, so they can't see the issue.

I myself am not a visible minority but my father is, and hearing his voice today really made me worry for what could potentially happen to him because someone takes one look at him and can only see him by his race.

Don't call it the "Chinese Flu" because that's not what it is, and you're inciting hate if you use that term.


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