"We're thinking of reanimating Reagan, Grand Moff Tarkin style, I mean real uncanny valley shit here. Do you guys have any ideas?" https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1381724632559054855
"Another idea we had is we're thinking of re-editing Predator, where the Predator is a giant needle. And we're going to over dub Arnold's voice to scream GET TO THE MODERNAH"
"And monster truck derbys. Also we're going to be relabeling Budweiser cans. Anything we can do to reach these folks."
"We would air drop pamphlets all over Texas but we're not sure it's worth the money given that most of those folks down there can't read."
"We are also all over 4Chan and r/Merica and telling people to get vaxxed but it's not going well. The main response seems to be users telling us to, and I'm quoting 'fuck off newfags, pool is closed' whatever that is supposed to mean."
"We are also thinking of having vaccine administrators dress up like revolutionary war soldiers but we're not sure BLM would go for that so we scrapped that idea as well."
"We hired Trey Parker and Matt Stone to rework the lyrics to America, Fuck Yeah! So now, and this is really great, instead of 'America, Fuck Yeah', they sing 'AstraZeneca, Fuck Yeah!' so that will be getting some airplay on I HeartRadio talk stations at the 5pm drive time hour"
"We're also making it legal for Girl Scouts to administer vaccines."
"Every Cracker Barrel will be a vaccination site from the hours of 3pm-5pm to avoid the dinner time rush."
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