richard nixon is laughing in hell — i’ve lost my position at the lab and will be leaving this friday. going to live off my twitter blood money for a bit and publish several papers and a cryptosystem in the next few months. we’ll see after that.
the papers are about parsing and computability and i will be directly citing the turing paper, for example. the cryptosystem is based on the signal protocol and will replace gpg. i will also continue to build open-source infrastructure for all scientists with @spackpm.
i want to deeply thank @tgamblin and Matt Legendre at @Livermore_Comp for showing me for the first time what it feels like for someone to believe in me. i want to deeply, deeply thank @springmeyer_ca for moving heaven and earth to make this process as painless as possible for me.
it has been the honor of a lifetime to work at lawrence livermore national lab. i felt for the first time in my entire life a concept of “serving the nation” which wasn’t code for enforcing US imperialism. i will never lose that energy. i will never lose that memory. i can’t.
i really really mean it, this was the best place i’ve ever worked in my life, they not only cared about but meaningfully responded to my autistic needs. shouting out matt legendre again for being the most patient man i have literally ever met. i deeply recommend working here.
as you might be able to tell from my twitter name, i’m now fully committed to the bit of pretending i’m albert einstein. this is a level of self-esteem i’ve literally never had in my entire ADHD lifespan. 2 steps forward and 1 step back still traverses the 8-fold path, in time.
please DM me or reply to me or email me or send a smoke signal if you’re ever interested in working at any national lab. you don’t need to be an american citizen and you don’t need to stop smoking marijuana for non-classified work, of which there is quite a lot.
(i personally will not be smoking marijuana because i tend to rely on it to an unhealthy extent when i do. but that’s neither here nor there.)
you won’t ever hear me say a single damn thing against this place. in the span of just a few months it taught me hope, it taught me rigor, and it let me absorb myself in wild fascination. i’ll be back.
to make an apple pie, one must first construct the universe. 🇺🇸 🚀
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