There's several main differences between Peat and Aajonus. The role of sugar, the role of the glands, there's a whole spectrum of health that peat doesn't even touch on which is the toxicity of things in food. Terrain vs Germ theory.
Peat advocates for an as close to sterile gut as possible. Aajonus would never because he's seen old people completely lose their appetite and their functioning on antibiotics.
Peat says that sugar is the bodies main fuel source because it burns first. Fat is a much cleaner and long burning fuel and the body can store much more of it. Aajonus points out the krebs cycle and that sugars role is to act as the spark for burning fat.
This is another thing Aajonus touches on that Peat doesn't is the role of the glands and the lymphatic system in cleaning the body of waste. Aajonus believed all of the glands were responsible for protecting the important organs that they were near.
On top of creating hormones for energy and all that. Hormones are for "emergencies" fight or flight, sex. We shouldn't be as hormonal as we are we are hyperglandular because of how toxic we are. The body creates excess hormones to handle toxicity.
The function of the lymphatic system to feed every cell in the body while also neutralizing and removing toxins from the body through sweat, piss, shit, all forms of excretions from the body is something I learned from Aajonus.
The lacteal system which takes completely digested food from the intestines and connects to the lymp to be distributed all throughout the body. When food is completely digested it is a white liquid, looks just like milk. That's why it's called the Lacteal system.
Milk isn't stored in the breasts the mammary glands just pull this completely digested white liquid food to be secreted to babies.
In my travels through space and time and Aajonus and Peat i've basically come to the conclusion that Peat, in Aajonus' words doesn't have the whole picture.
The harmful qualities of Advanced Glucose Endproduct, antibiotics, Methylene Blue, heat treated processed Gelatin, DHEA, Hormone extracts are all things he's overlooked.
I had to come to the conclusion that Aajonus was correct about digestion because none of Peat's recommendations were able to fix my digestion of milk and I tried all of them. I couldn't drink milk again till I found Aajonus' recommendation to clabber raw milk with a little honey.
All the sugar Peat recommends is a balancing act with how much protein you've eaten. I'd have some oxtail soup from the pot roast with carrots and potatoes that had been boiled for two hours with orange juice and dates.
I'd feel pretty good until suddenly i'd had too much sugar then I was somewhat manic and emotional. Obviously fat eaten with the sugar to slow it's burning is important too.
Or you could just not deal with any of that only eat 1 piece of fruit a day with raw cream or butter. Krebs cycle. A little bit of sugar to spark the burning of a lot of fat.
Uncooked meat has collagen all through out it. It's not necessary to draw from your enzyme stores to digest food and in fact it weakens the body when forced to do so. Raw food replenishes your enzymes and subsequently improves the functioning of your entire body.
The more bacterial activity your body has the more alive you are literally.
Bacteria removes dead and dying tissue. Reduces it to 1/50th of It's original size to be excreted. Removing dead cells so that your body can grow new healthy cells is an important job it's what bacteria does. That's why antibiotics aren't healthy.
Old people put on antibiotics for long periods lose their digestive ability. We have more bacteria in our saliva than any animal besides a fly. We have a long acidic digestive tract that harbors acidic bacteria for digestion.
HCL is secreted all throughout it, not just in the stomach. We have the same amount of HCL as a carnivore but it's distributed all throughout the intestines.
E.Coli is responsible for the final stage of digestion in the colon. It breaks food into the smallest particles that can feed the brain and nervous system. Depression is just the brain not being fed well.
That's why high meat can cure the depression of even someone who's been on SSRI's for 20 years. It's completely predigested nutrients that can directly feed the brain.
There's some "Raw Peaters" who try to combine the 'toxin mindedness' of Aajonus with ray peat so they can be neurotic about their body temperature and heart rate but it just completely ignores the whole point of the diet.
Which is detoxing the abundant already present toxins in the body. If your body suddenly decides it's feeling strong and it's time to get rid of some toxic metal thats been keeping a part of your body dead and inactive that's it and you should let that happen.
Who cares about your body temperature. You'll be more alive when the process is over.
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