If table-flipping Jesus is our favorite Jesus, we’ve lost the plot.
If Pharisee-insulting Jesus is our favorite Jesus, we’ve lost the plot.
If the Jesus who, out of love for others, laid down his rights and picked up his cross - and called his followers to do the same - isn’t the Jesus we’re devoted to, we’ve lost the plot.
Every day when I walk out the door, or log onto social media, I need to remember the plot. “Christian” doesn’t mean “little Rambo.” It means “little Christ.” I’m on the cross w/Christ. I die w/Christ. I have the power to love my enemies w/Christ.

Remember the plot.
Update: Didn’t think this would spark quite so much debate!

Let me put it another way: When Paul said he identified with Christ, he didn’t say “I bought a whip” or “I’m practicing table flipping.” He said, “I died.”

The early church didn’t choose the ...
... overturned table or the rhetorically defeated Pharisee as their symbol. They chose the cross. The cross is central. Not just for Jesus. For all of us. “Take up your cross and follow me.”

“Love your enemies.” That’s a command.
“Buy a whip.” Not a command.
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