it's a simple game
if you can control the risk of X random 1's
Big players can quantitatively control outcomes
this applies to trading & the pandemic relative to business & automation

But, yes take away rights. Destroy the middle class.
by failing to attempt to save everyone
You should be able to take risk fully in a free society
limits on ability to take risk creates a framework that encourages for others to act badly.
In the name of good faith.

Basically, you're shooting fish in a barrel.
if you have access to said gun
its not vax vs anti vax
the 4D chess play at hand is
Risk vs anti risk

Making the point of
My body my choice.
My risk, my reward +/- outcome
Should be sufficient.

But you can't create a outcome tree
framework under these conditions
But, don't question things
Don't communicate outside online interactions
Be afraid walking past people in stores & listen to Whatever the trends are.
Social media companies aren't publishing company's.
you're free to walk one way through the slaughter house of the "new world"
Holistic Medicine practice was pushed out
by regulations for profiteers.

Modern medicine is a experimental protocol, secretive, Controlled behind closed doors. Has a externally high bare to cost entry. Acts as it's divine knowledge & unattainable to comprehend for the avg ant
Less Trust. More Truth!

//End of thread

April 13th 6.39.11 AM
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