“Haha I hate myself isn’t that so funny lol I’m such a disaster but like fuck it haha isn’t this so cute and quirky and COOL”
No bitch what’s cool is you being mindful of ur faults and kind to urself so you can work towards not being so toxic to the people around you. Get help???
Normalize being accountable for shitty things that happen to you. Sometimes it’s YOUR fault dude. No one wants to constantly hear about how much of a fucking bummer ur life is and expecting ppl to hold that emotional capacity for problems you won’t address on ur own is selfish
And no, I’m not talking about the marginalized or the oppressed, I’m talking about the people that have the opportunity to make their lives better and easier just by adjusting their lifestyle and won’t do it because they’d rather whine and cry about it for attention
No sis, negative attention isn’t good attention and eventually people get worn out dealing with their problems AND yours. And I’m speaking from experience here. If a drug addicted working single mom can drag herself up from rock bottom, you can stop texting your ex. Like, enough.
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