10 Book recommendations from @naval.

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Sapiens by @harari_yuval

"Sapiens is the best book of the last decade I have read. He had decades to write Sapiens. There’s lots of great ideas in there and it’s just full of them, chock full per page." -Naval https://www.amazon.com/Sapiens-Humankind-Yuval-Noah-Harari/dp/0062316095
The Thing Explainer by @xkcd

"A great book by Randall Munroe...he explains very complicated concepts, all the way from climate change to physical systems to submarines while only using the 1,000 most common words in the English language." -Naval https://www.amazon.com/Thing-Explainer-Complicated-Stuff-Simple/dp/0544668251
The Lessons of History by Will & Ariel Durant

"This is a great book I really liked which summarizes some of the larger themes of history, very incisive. And unlike most history books, it's actually really small, and it covers a lot of ground." -Naval https://www.amazon.com/Lessons-History-Will-Durant/dp/143914995X
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

"I love this as a classic book on philosophy, a good introduction for someone starting out. I’ve given out more copies of this book than any other." -Naval https://www.amazon.com/Siddhartha-Novel-Hermann-Hesse/dp/0553208845
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

"Absolutely life changing for me. It's the personal diary of the Emperor of Rome...When you open this book...you figure out success and power don't improve your internal state, you still have to work on it." -Naval https://www.amazon.com/Meditations-Thrift-Editions-Marcus-Aurelius/dp/048629823X
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