The power of the Islamic regime to suppress its citizens is not limited to resorting to the use of security forces or weapons. Journalists like @FarnazFassihi play the more important role to suffocate the voice of the Iranian people by spreading IR propaganda.
Farnaz Fassihi's false allegation about the assassination of Judge Mansouri by the opponents of the Islamic Republic in Romania.

Farnaz Fassihi claimed in Jan 2020 that Hassan Rouhani did'nt know about IRGC downing of #PS752. Abundance of evidence has been uncovered since then that proves this was a blatant lie but the article still remains untouched on @nytimes website after 15 months.
Another example of false news, Farnaz Fassihi is using NYT as a medium to spread IR propaganda. @nytimes
You can see more examples in this thread @nytimes
You can follow @MShakiba0.
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