Even if you don't understand *how* at the moment, you gotta know that abolition is the only way forward.
I know folks want an exact answer on how-one that they can understand. That isn't the first step. The first step is realizing we have to get away from policing, even if we don't have *all* the answers quite yet. It's not on any one person or group to come up w/the solutions.
This is something we have to create together. We need a critical mass of folks who know we need abolition and believe it IS possible. Take the first step by recognizing police aren't serving us. Even when we name things we think we need police for, a careful investigation
usually shows police have been largely ineffective. We start by reducing their scope and funding towards the goal of abolition. We start by asking what else needs to be created to cater and serve the needs of the people. We start by scrutinizing our city budgets.
We start by centering those most vulnerable to harm.
But we first have to recognize that we have to abolish. We'll figure out the complete 'how' together, leaning on the teachings and writings that already exist, by trying stuff out locally, and sharing lessons. But it's possible. We just need more of us in it.
Again, the process isn’t folks giving the masses all the answers. It’s organizing the masses towards the truth that abolition is the only way forward and coming up with those answers together.
Instead of asking yourself ‘what would replace the police?’ try ‘what is it that we actually need to be safe?’.
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