tl;dr of my theory:

- khaenri'ah's power is "time" and similar to a man made vision
- khaenri'ah and mondstadt have close ties
- venti has been planting seeds for this story to unfold for the past 2600 years, and time is cultivating them into fruition (time & wind sundials)
- venti knows traveler's origins, interacted with lumine on her journey (the first heir in the battlepass story), and aether is the second heir (or swapped depending on which twin you chose)
- venti is guiding 2nd heir/traveler to an ending that frees teyvat from celestia
- celestia is the reason khaenri'ah fell. and khaenri'ah creating durin & attacking mondstadt caused the cataclysm to begin with
- both the abyss and celestia are "bad guys" in this story, for different reasons
and here's some unorganized info dumping lmao
- venti, similar to endora/rhodeia for water, is a wind elemental, which are fragments of either the original seelie or one of the three lunar sisters
- in heart of clear springs they are referred to as "descendants of the angels"
- the stronger an elemental fairy gets the more memories, power, and wisdom it regains. so venti being an archon and having a seat in celestia has some strong implications.
- he knows about other worlds in the manga, for example, and he narrates the battlepass story to us 5/?
- reiterating: venti is almost like a seelie acting like a guide for traveler, using music & the wind.
- his constellation is lit. carmen dei, or the notion that music creates life/order in the world
- "seeds brought by the wind" - venti brings the seeds of legends, aka us 6/?
- venti's windblume poem was performed right at the location of the FIRST ruin guard/field tiller, who was staring at celestia. the one we took the eye from in the archon quest. venti says he visits this location frequently to watch the view... there is no way he doesn't know 7/?
- in venti's windblume poem, he says "my dear friend, i am guiding you by the hand, to a night where lanterns shine bright" (ie towards freedom)
- in the manga, venti winces when vennessa asks him about celestia. he obviously doesn't like them, and his voice lines say so, too 8/?
- venti has also expressed meeting traveler before in his voice lines. and. if the battlepass story refers to the twins, then venti's voice line about traveler "saving the prince/princess" would indicate he knows they are royalty from (most likely) celestia 9/?
- venti's statue has on its base: the gateway to celestia
- mondstadt's adventurer's guild is the one who gives you rewards for world ascension quests, which go into midsummer's courtyard, originally a busy garden belonging to khaenri'ah, to protect it from the abyss order 10/?
- adding to the above, mondstadt plays a direct part in defending khaenri'ah ruins ...
- also in these ruins, there is teyvatian reading "venerare", who was the leader of the exiled lawrence clan. she commissioned the anemo archon statue to be built w/ an oath to defend mond 11/?
- it's also not coincidence that zhongli "heard of us from mondstadt" and instantly trusted us to cooperate in this big plan he created to make sure it was safe to give up his gnosis
- i also don't think venti fought seriously against signora. he willingly gave up his gnosis 12/?
- there is even a possibility signora = the tsaritsa, and while "the tsaritsa" cut contact with venti 500 yrs ago, her persona as signora may not have. it seems venti knew who signora was very well, but did nothing to avoid her attacks
- he also made a comment referencing signora's face looking like "her master's"
- signora did not want the knights of favonius seeing what she did, and she knew of traveler, but did not kidnap him or kill him.
- the words tsaritsa and signora have similar meanings 14/?
back to mond
- battlepass trailer artstyle & motifs are very similar to mondstadt's story cutscenes, & motifs
- fleur de lis is both mondstadt/celestia emblem !!
- venti, aether, lumine, all have it on their clothes. it is all over mond's cathedral, and in bp story cutscene 15/?
- fleur de lis is also on the sides of the seal summoned when fighting osial in the archon quest.
- it's in the ruins of old mond too
- there's also smaller connections between celestia/mond, like similar red banners, the diamond pattern on knights clothing/statue of 7, etc. 16/?
- so mond being the gateway to celestia & venti being a descendant/fragment of the angels lines up v v v much
- and venti not liking celestia or the abyss lines up w the first heir (abyss twin) being deceived. it could have been celestia deceiving them to maintain eternity! 17/?
- considering baal's words so far have been that inazuma representing eternity is the "closest virtue unto heaven" out of the 7... probably, celestia intends to maintain eternal without heirs
- so the heirs/twins were sent on a meaningless journey for a pearl they won't find 18/?
- it would make sense why abyss twin's memories of being royalty in celestia faded if they were deceived, this world maintained by celestia is fake and morally wrong and the abyss is the key, she thinks, to overthrowing it
- but dain probably knows more than her ... 19/?
- dain has a severe distrust in the divine and seems to misunderstand mondstadt & venti's intentions frequently
- considering we are the "windborne traveler" i get the feeling the final chapter of this entire story will be our ideals of freedom vs. the abyss, & celestia 20/?
- and before we even fight abyss/celestia to save our sister, the teyvat story trailer has dain saying we face off against HIM to prove we are more capable than he is
- so it will be our ideals vs. his... and i get the feeling ours will not be anti-divine to the point he is 21/?
- i think we will hopefully restore teyvat to a time where gods walked among people, before the archon wars, back when the lunar palace existed and the seelie race, etc ... except hopefully this new teyvat will also welcome travelers & allow for change to happen naturally 22/?
i'm at 22 tweets and i know this is disorganized so i apologize but there are just so many thoughts i am struggling to organize in my head ... if any of this was useful to you guys then i'm glad, i could probably write another 50 tweets with just info dumping 😭 23/24
not even sure how to tl;dr this so i would just say refer to the first 3 tweets in this thread for the overall tl;dr 😭 there is too much evidence to properly support a theory of this scale in a twt thread i am so sorry 24/24
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