👉 If you’re selling NFTs now, don’t neglect your tax liabilities.

Find an advisor before the end of the year... trust me! Don’t wait.

Tax strategy is a major part of the wealth game, and what f*cks so many entrepreneurs. (Including myself)

There’s 3 pillars to the wealth game:

1. Making money
2. Tax strategy
3. Investing

Each has complexities of their own, and should be treated as separate areas.

(Most people never make it out of pillar #1) 👈👇
You have to make money, keep money, then grow money ... that’s the game. ☝️

And remember... they each have different strategies.

(I.e. don’t take investment advice for your tax guy ... he’s an accountant not a money manager)
Understanding those levels will put you light years above the rest of the world.

Do your best to remove your emotions to money, and realize just what money is.... an exchange of value.

Want $10million? Give $20mm in value and charge $10. Simple right? 😉😎👍
Money is much easier to manage than people.

It works 24/7, 365 days per year.

Remove your emotions from the game for better clarity.

It’s really a lot more easy than some people make it out to be.

Never stop learning, & remember to give back when you make it.

You can follow @BobAmorMusic.
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