A month b4 a fundamental nerf (& IMO gross over-alignment) to Quickdraw based on @Bungie's arbitrarily applied "negates downsides" philosophy.

If not for fast reactions & QD, I would've died to an often OHK grenade launcher that...um...shouldn't really exist outside of heavy.
I have yet to hear one non-conflicting, cogent argument from Bungie, etc., for why Quickdraw should be nerfed.

Substantially changing a much beloved community perk in such a fundamental & widespread manner MUST have an equally strong argument in favor of overall sandbox health.
Quickdraw might make shotgunning easier, but it has to be apparent to many by now that it also substantially raises the skill ceiling for those w/ practice & fast enough reactions to take advantage of it for clutch multi-kills..in a sandbox that hardly caters to gunplay atm.
One thing that bothers me w/ the nerf applying to e.g., 120 HCs:

To get the same feel post-nerf, I'll have to pair QD w/ Snapshot...not allowing fun & impactful combinations like QD/Moving Target (amazing hit registration w/ Hunter movement) or QD/Rampage for clutch 1v2's & 3's.
@A_dmg04: I'll make related posts as constructive, and/or actionable as possible, but I'd regret not trying to convince @Bungie that making our gunplay feel worse across the board simply b/c of ONE outlier shotgun..diminishes D2's unique & greatly valued gunplay-movement synergy.
Incredibly grateful for RT's of this thread or above note to DMG.

NOTHING like D2's PvP & it's disappointing to see Bungie take actions directly in conflict w/ the unparalleled synergy b/t gunplay (its feel & impact) & movement that's defined the franchise for almost a decade.
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