I beg you: Stop saying Daunte was pulled over for air fresheners. It was a pretextual stop pure & simple. The goal was to check his mobility, get him in the system if he wasn't already in it &/or trip him up on something bigger. Saying it was over 🌲 erases the active profiling.
As Jonathan Capehart notes below, this doesn't cut it either. And he was *told* it was about air fresheners, which helps explain his confusion and panic when this minor thing suddenly escalates to more đźš“ showing up and him being put in cuffs. https://twitter.com/CapehartJ/status/1381658163548725248
Someone just asked me how that f*ckin boot tasted, which makes me think perhaps these tweets are not as clear as I think they are. I'm attaching the longer thread I did here in case it is helpful in explaining what I mean... https://twitter.com/sahrasulaiman/status/1381743169583259651
You can follow @sahrasulaiman.
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