Did you forget to swap to your burner account when you were stalking my page, you Great Value clown of a man?

Whatcha doin on my page, abuser?
Since I have no more time to give this sad sack, here's some reading for y'all in case you didn't see it last year.

Swag_Dracula (on all platforms) was outed last year by his victims, and yet he still streams on Twitch unpunished. https://twitter.com/theLootHound/status/1225456435905036289?s=20
He has never denied any of the accusations. Never even addressed them.

Anyone that continues to support this guy, or work with him, y'all should actually be ashamed of yourselves.
One of these days I'll gladly recount everything this piece of shit did, because I was a part of his circle early on in his career.

If anyone has actual dirt on him, it's me. And in proper channels I'm happy to talk. I'll fkn SING.
and @HolyMan , I thought that out of respect, I'd let you know: Taylor tried to leverage you as a form of control over me when I applied for partner. He said you owed him a favor and that he'd get you to approve my application.
If you made it this far - Support the victims, believe what they say.

Garbage humans like this dude walk because they think they can get away with everything.

Remind them that they're wrong, in every way.
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