1) How much did you spend on your wedding ring?
2) I'd argue that functionally the wedding ring is one of the more sensible/practical aspects of a wedding. And I'd argue the hype, marketing, prestige, and sheer dollars spent on engagement rings is the most frivolous.
3) So how should we price chokers?
The most expensive punks are very distinct. 6 attribute punks are an exception in that they can be missed when scrolling through a collection, but you don't need to spend much time around punks before you recognize each of them, there's only 11!
4) Chokers are unique in that they're the 2nd scarcest attribute but very easy to miss, common enough no one has memorized all 48, and somewhere between neutral to negative in appearance. (I'm allowed to insult them because only 1 active account has more chokers than me)
5) The first thing most think when they look at a beanie is "beanie". The first thing most think when they look at an ape is "ape" but the first thing most think when looking at a choker is usually anything but the choker.
6) However-- they're scarce. Ultra scarce. After three weeks without a sale, two recent choker sells have pushed the floor from 60Ξ up to 111Ξ. That's fairly artificial in that I imagine many (most?) chokers would be willing to sell for 100Ξ or less.
7) When I scroll through wild whites, or straight hairs, or short blondes and think "who stands out" its the woman with the choker. The same way everyone knows who in their social circle has the biggest rock. Whether you talk about it or not-- everyone knows.
8) Someone asked about buying my 3D Tassle Hat the other day and my gut feel was that other than that 6 attribute Tassle, mine was best. Until I noticed the girl with the biggest rock. https://www.larvalabs.com/cryptopunks/details/4087
9) I still think they should be valued below beanies, presumably below pilot helmets, presumably below orange sides... but as this market grows in sophistication I can't help but think pricing could change.
10) I think the fact is, this attribute is not only hyper-scarce, but transforms so many otherwise plain fems into the "best-in-their-class", & that should drive substantial demand in the future as the market becomes more discerning in its tastes.
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