Age dysphoria can very much actually be a thing without being used to justify doing awful shit to bodily minors. People have weird experiences with comfort in their bodies, and that's okay! Someone wishing they could regress or be smaller or something doesn't make them a predator
This just ends up being that kink-critical thing of going after littles for merely existing even if they lock their account and keep it away from bodily minors, except it's turned against their whole fucking *identity* because it's hard to understand. Be better.
This is something we experience ourselves, especially with how our plurality and the median-ish subsystem we have with our little headmate. She exists, she copes with age dysphoria by engaging with diapers and stuff, she nor us or us combined are hurtful to anyone.
BTW if you feel comfortable doing so, you may feel free to retweet bits of this thread, and honestly, please do. This shit doesn't need to be hidden, identity is complex and messy, and people need to know that
You can follow @eeveeauramgold.
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