questions to answer when you're bored

- qrt answers !
feel free to skip any <3
name, pronouns, age, and race?
ult kpop groups?
favorite song at the moment?
single or taken?
favorite oomf(s)?
ass or tits? (oomf made me ask yall this one)
who is your croomf?
a food that you absolutely despise?
a food that you absolutely love?
beach or mountains?
pineapple on pizza?
jinwoo break
favorite color?
any siblings?
how many languages do you speak? if so which ones?
favorite anime/show?
favorite movie?
favorite season?
something you love about yourself?
do you have any tatoos? if not which ones do you want?
when did you become a kpop stan or whatever you're into?
whats an album that you would love to have? mine is staycs new album and reveal by tbz
dark or white or milk chocolate? (there is only one right answer)
what are your phobias?
a grade that you want to forget? (definitely 7th grade for me)
describe yourself in 1-3 words!
rain or no rain?
favorite month?
online school or irl school?
what color are your eyes?
what color if your hair? do you want to dye your hair?
whats the strangest thing youve done?
whats a song that gives you nostalgia?
do you wish to be a child again?
coffee or tea?
go to boba order?
what do you put in first, milk or cereal?
do you look at your pcs or photobook?
do you ever listen to the cds in your albums
best book/show/movie genre?
which group got you into kpop?
do you ever want to get out of kpop? if so, whats stopping you from getting out?
do you like seafood?
what do you do in your freetime?
surfing or camping?
have you tried dragonfruit before?
whats a place you'd really like to visit?
favorite number?
which idol would you like to be besties with?
when did you join stan twt?
what do hate and love about stan twt?
end of thread! thank you for answering besties <33
muting this for obvious reasons 😭
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