Why do so many men conflate being told they're wrong with being attacked? Part of it is phycology, sure. Especially if it's a political belief, having your core beliefs challenged registers as an attack on you. I fight that every day. BUT.
Men seem to do it way more and way more vehemently. And for things that aren't that political. It's like men include being right all the time as part of who they are (I fight this every day too, but it can be fought).
It's like there's a perceived social cost (people will never think you're right again) AND a perceived (far less incorrect) cost to belonging (to the boys club). If you admit you were wrong you're not a Real Man™ anymore. If someone didn't get it they just didn't understand!
Ridicule them! We (the boys club and friends) will join you. But this is all false enforcement, because everyone involved knows the man was wrong, unless they're literally all not smart enough (unlikely). Our brains make us act counter to our intelligence all the time BUT
it seems to happen to men so much more often, especially with stuff like this. And we say women are too emotional. We can't even handle theoretical rejection. End slightly rambling rant
p s y c h o l o g y

If this goes viral I'll be so mad
To whom it may concern: if this thread had been about you it wouldn't have said "so many men", it would have said your damn name.
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