In light of Daunte Wright’s murder by police these politicians & police are going to try and tell you that police “need more training”. I can’t urge you enough to reject that. They’ve been getting “more training” for decades. It’s code for: more money.
As someone who was not always an abolitionist and who was deeply reformist and pushed for reforms like body cams, more training etc, I can tell you these things do nothing to disrupt or stop police violence. Ever.
Just as many people around the nation are watching the trial of Dereck Chauvin who murdered George Floyd, Minnesota police murdered a young Black man yesterday miles away from where they stole Floyd’s life.
Having one of their own officers currently on trial for murder of a Black man did absolutely NOTHING to deter them from killing another Black man less than a year later. Everyone needs to see clearly the fallacy of reforming policing, prisons & jailing killer cops!
Continued calls for “more trainings” always leads to funding for said trainings. This leads to those grossly inflated police budgets that we’re demanding and fighting for a divestment from now.
We contribute to building a massive police state when we demand anything less than abolition!
We don’t need more Black cops or cops of color. We don’t need more cops with “degrees”. We don’t need more cops to police the communities they live in. We don’t need more cops to be trained on implicit bias. We don’t need any of these things.
We need the complete and utter destruction of the institution of policing.
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