Sky Beyond the Storm spoilers

Thread on Helene Aquilla in Reaper's prophecy đŸ§”:

In Reaper the prophecy states "The Butcher will break & none will hold her"
She was unmade in Torch & at the end of Reaper she rips off her mask in agony to save her people. Then pushes Harper away-
Sky spoilers
In Sky this is said:

"I am unmade. I am b-broken."
"You are broken. But it is broken things that are the sharpest. The deadliest. It is broken things that are the most unexpected, and the most underestimated"
-Helene & Harper
The first part of the prophecy is done-
-and the second part of the prophecy was full filled at the end of sky:

"Emifal Firdaant. May death claim me first."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You got there first my love, I envy you so, for how will I endure without you?"

Harper dies. None will hold her.-
-When Helene is made Imperator Invictus she says:
“I will not marry. I will bear no children. For if I am Empress, then the Empire is my husband & my wife."

Now she's young & I dont mean to say she can never move on in life. But she was broken & there was no one to hold her then
End of thread.
But I do want to add I like that Helene is called "The Butcher". Part of it is that the Blood Shrike is a killer bitd but the other is that the book doesnt shy away from her brutality & violence. Anyway Helene's an awesome character.
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