Just a reminder that if you see someone saying "the COVID vaccine doesn't even stop you from getting COVID", know that this is a form of vaccine denialism.

It has no basis in fact.

In fact, multiple studies show that COVID vaccines *do* effectively prevent COVID infections.
Secondly, if you see "the COVID vaccine doesn't stop you from spreading COVID", know that this is also a form of vaccine denialism.

There is increasing research showing that, in fact, mRNA-based vaccines drastically reduce both symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission of COVID.
The safety of COVID vaccines is also extremely well understood at this point.

Yes, it is possible to have an allergic reaction to the vaccine, although incredibly unlikely.

That's why they make you stick around for 15 minutes. Quick response to reactions can minimize the risk.
"the COVID vaccines GIVE YOU COVID" is also vaccine denialism.

No COVID vaccine gives you COVID.

Both mRNA and adenovirus vaccines only tell your body to produce the spike proteins, which are themselves essentially inert. Immune response then cleans these up.
While it is possible to have a negative reaction in the first 24 hours of receiving your COVID vaccine, the worst anyone has reported thus far is mild flu-like symptoms that resolve themselves in less than a day.

This is your body properly responding to the vaccine.
Tylenol will help significantly with these symptoms. Severe reactions are rare.

This is *not* your body "getting COVID". This is your body responding to *the production of spike proteins*.

It resolves so quickly because *no virus is being produced*. *No replication can occur*.
Even if you *do* get COIVD after being fully vaccinated, which, again, is extremely unlikely but *could happen because vaccines are not perfect*, the pre-existing antibodies produced by these vaccines will *significantly* reduce the severity of the infection.
So please, *please* get vaccinated. As soon as physically possible.

The longer we wait, the more time the virus has to mutate.

And while current vaccines are only slightly negatively impacted by existing mutations, we *can't* let this spiral out of control.
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