the first symptom of ponification is a subconscious replacement of all your everybody’s and somebody’s with everypony and somepony
the second symptom is a gradual increase in enthusiasm for a particular talent you’ve always had. you don’t lose enthusiasm or care for your other talents or labors, but it becomes easy and natural to focus on one particularly special thing. you thrive in that thing.
the next stage of ponification is linked to symptom 2. the more you engage in that hyperfixation, the more you can feel a warmth on your upper thigh. some report seeing ghostly visages of their mark before it actually appears, but in all cases, the mark is inevitable.
at this stage, those being ponified begin to lose their taste for most animal products. aside from eggs, milk, and other byproducts that can be gathered without harming an animal directly, subjects in this stage of ponification find it near impossible to eat meat any longer.
this is also the stage during which class identification becomes apparent, as subjects begin to become attuned to natural forces. some become aware of their connection to the earth; some become acutely aware of changes in the weather; others begin to sense raw magic in the air.
if any of these symptoms are experienced, you should begin preparations for physical changes. once ponification begins, transforming into a pony is a when, not an if. the time between stages can vary, but you should be aware they’re coming.

you will turn into a pony.
once the physical changes begin, they typically start in the hands, feet, or face. it can happen in a matter of hours, days, or even weeks. months, rarely, for some.

all subjects become ponier and ponier as time commences. most agree those with quicker timelines are lucky.
once all changes are complete, subjects are to visit their nearest equestrian embassy to file a request for housing and relocation, via the portal at [LOCATION REDACTED].
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