Here we go again white people...PLEASE stop complaining about your potential lack of “medical freedom” as it pertains to getting or proving that you have received a COVID vaccine in order to responsibly participate in society moving forward.
First of all, did you go to school, private or public? Elementary, high school, college? Guess what, they have your immunization records, girl. Have you ever traveled outside of the US & had to prove that you’ve gotten certain vaccinations? Yes? Then please be quiet.
Furthermore, MISS ME with the “bUt It ViOlAtEs HiPpA!!!” 1st, can you tell me what HIPPA stands for? No? Cool. Second, it very well may, but can you show me where? No? Cool. Stop jumping on trends and spreading misinformation & confusion—it’s DANGEROUS.
Most of us have no concept of what it means to have your “medical freedom” infringed upon. Just say that you’re skeptical about how fast this all happened & are concerned about the long term effects. But instead you’re using this unfounded & ridiculous excuse about your “rights.”
Let’s talk about people who actually have/continue to have their medical freedom compromised: Black women everywhere. The whole reason we have modern gynecology is because WHITE MEN turned Black women into living, breathing test dummies for torturous & horrific experiments.
The people of Gordon Plaza, right here in New Orleans, (a Black community) who had their homes built on TOXIC SOIL, resulting in sickness of all kinds. They continue to fight tooth & nail for a FULLY FUNDED relocation.
Black women, AGAIN, who are dying by the thousands because they’re viewed as “hysterical” & “difficult” when really they know when something is wrong in their bodies but doctors refuse to listen.
People like me that were born with a very specific type of functioning Spina bifida that went undiagnosed for 8 years—while suffering with chronic pain, digestive & incontinence issues—because the doctors never thought to do a spinal check or believe that my pain was real.
The WHOLE of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially Black Trans womxn. And obviously, PEOPLE WITHOUT MEDICAL INSURANCE AT ALL.
So please, check your privilege the next time you want to complain about “losing” something that shouldn’t have to be earned in the first place, and how fortunate you are to have the freedoms and protections you inherited.
And because there will ALWAYS be a typo, I do know that it’s “HIPAA” not “HIPPA” 😬
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