Bröthers the time has come to complete the blood oath:

NemoBanes Thread on Demons
First Consept First: I am a pretty biblically orthodox Christian. I believe in God, I believe in his angels, and I believe that fallen angels are demons.

Now that we have that base line is covered we can get into the real interesting stuff. The nature of the spirit world.
Fair warning: I’m only like 75% sure I actually believe the stuff I’m saying here. The line between thought experts and firmly held belief gets fuzzy.
To start I have addressed spirits and angels before.
For a more in-depth view on the actual nature of what a spiritual being can be, I find myself compelled by Terrence McKenna’s description of “self transforming mechanical elves”

Beings of pure vocabulary self transforming and multiplying through irritating description
“In the beginning there was the word and the word was God and the word was with God” and God spoke and created.

You, me, god, and the whole of everything is divine vocabulary.
We need to expand our vocabulary around vocabulary.

(Trying to explain this while I have a headache is gonna be a trick and a half)

But divine vocabulary is thought and symbols, concept and application. It is the foundation of the capacity of understanding.
To think of vocabulary as aware and sentient is there for to think of the spiritual world.
This is compounded further when thinking about the consept of the meme. That ideas are quasi-biological organisms that have an evolutionary competition with each other. Acceptance that ideas behave organically is, imo, the fist step for the materialists acceptance of spirit
Disclaimer: Not every idea is a spirit. And not every spirit is an idea but it’s a useful model we considering something beyond human beings in touch, see, smell, taste.
So... demons specifically.
If angels are a self transforming mechanical elves in service to the originating and perfect divine WORD, Demons therefore are self transforming mechanical elves in service to the antithesis. Not an Antithesis. The Antithesis. The great negation.
“I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly;
'Twere better nothing would begin.
Thus everything that that your terms, sin,
Destruction, evil represent—
That is my proper element.”
A Demon can possess you, hold you, control you. Yet so can God or an Angel. Power, as always, remains neutral, but in its application and direction.

This is disconcerting, because when possessed you really have no way of knowing what or who is possessing you.
This is why we are told to guard our heart and mind. To build firm walls of understanding and faith. The protection is not perfect, rats after all can slide through while the cement is still wet, but the goal is to be skeptics of supernatural, memeticnatural, forces taking hold
This is ofcourse a very minor corner of demonology, but one that I feel will be most readily engaged with by the sorts I attract here on twitter.
There are more horrible idea, and more cliched ones, but I think for now I will keep it simple, so not to scare away my (my God forgive me for even speaking such language) m a t e r i a l i s t friends.

So I will end it here.
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