The debate of who should become the next FA boss needs to come with depth beyond just emotions about who said what.

Let me dive in a bit. Those who are vying to become FA bosses should kindly communicate clearly and properly.
Football is past that stage where those who don’t understand the football ecosystem should seek to run it or even have the thought of leading it.
If there’re inadequacies in the trade how are those running against the incumbent going to address them, if there reforms that need to be made in order to take us to the next level of the game & it’s business; what are they? & what is the time frame in proposing & enacting them?
We are at that stage where we need to make the systems even more efficient, address grassroot football, secure more land and invest into infrastructure but who can better understand all these aspects of the game.
I want to reason with all those who want to become FA bosses and see whether they really understand football in the 21 century. Whether they understand the aspects of governance and financing of football at the level of FIFA.
I would like to listen to someone who will protect the Uganda Premier League as an asset of Uganda not just football.
As many flock the race for FA Presidency, I hope they know what is at stake? Rather than shouting and hiding in attacks I want to listen to real football policies that will improve us and make us the number one footballing nation on the continent.
I do hope the debate gets to be elevated to another level rather than take it to the gutters.
You can follow @ShawnMubiru.
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