
One thing that Ethereum DApps need to learn from the #BSC ecosystem is UX design.

Since most of the projects are forks, their teams are design/UX rework heavy, but, that ease of use difference is *HUGE* for mainstream users.

In poking around, it really stood out to me that most of the major projects there:

1. Try and make a beautiful modern interface.
2. Try and explain each step/element of the process.
3. Try and simplify everything to the click of a button.

That last one is key.

For example, Venus Protocol has the little "+" button everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

Any time they mention an asset, you have a button to add it AND its Venus Tokenized version to MetaMask.

This would be like Compound having buttons to add $DAI and $cDAI to your wallet.

Which honestly, it should.

MetaMask and other wallets don't do a great job of autopicking up assets, or making them easy to identify.

Some crypto experienced users struggle to find the right asset on Etherscan and import its contract address. Usually they just only see that asset in the specific DApp or tools like http://Zapper.fi 

Not to mention this is all backed up by Binance making the most fool proof tutorials for every element in their ecosystem.

A lot of us in the blockchain market hate on BSC because its centralized. It's not *really* a decentralized blockchain.

But, that doesn't mean there isn't anything they are doing right.

While we're all focused on getting foundations right, and mocking retail investors who find DeFi interfaces and frog memes overwhelming and confusing, Binance is showing what the cross-chasm future needs to look like.

Why do so many BSC users not care about decentralization?

Because it's not in their wheel house.

They care about what comes *after*. They care about the impact of the DApp.

How many people care what programming language Facebook is built on?

Ethereum is slowly seeing some strong UX focused companies, but we still have a long way to go.

BSC's strategy of being flashy to less technical users forced them to design for mainstream simplicity and zero-point knowledge curves.

That's a powerful lesson for us.
You can follow @adamscochran.
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