remember when the Bucks went on a strike to protest police violence and other teams followed? Remember when Obama called LeBron and Chris Paul and told them to stop striking? And to emphasize voting? And to vote for the man pledging millions of dollars to police? Remember this?
all of those young Black people saw their heroes try to do the right thing by simply saying "go vote" and voting didn't stop the police killings. This is why protests erupt the way that they do. The solutions don't match the problems
and Biden and Harris will issue condolences to the family, say that we need change and fairness, and still give more money to the police, and dare yall not to vote for them again in a few years
and then what did Obama do? call "defund the police" a "catchy slogan" to undermine what is actually a policy demand towards elected officials - the people he telling us to go vote for
and this isn't to say that voting is wrong or bad; it is to say that voting is a reductive request that elected officials will make of us because it usually preserves the status quo. As soon as we start demanding transformational things from the people we elect, issa problem
many different ideas and terrains of struggle are important. MOVE says: "Politicians are put in place to legalize, endorse, and protect industry and big business, therefore we don’t believe in politics at all." Important reminder why people do not vote, not ignorance, politics
Oh, some people are pointing out that LBJ and CP reached out to obama. absolutely correct. i wasn't trying to assert the call necessarily as the problem, but the substance of the conversation. i do think millionaires calling each other for protesting advice is not a good idea
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