1. Wages are stagnant, rents are soaring, the billionaires got richer during lockdown while we got more jobs in Amazon warehouses. They’ll work us to the bone until robots learn to grip different sizes packages and then 💨.
Oh, and the QC government is blaming the pandemic on us.
2. Meanwhile, almost none of the “guardian angels” working to protect our elders have been approved to stay in QC when this is all over. Human life is meaningless especially if you’re a migrant or you live in an urban centre and don’t own property.
3. Retirement benefits are nonexistent so people invest in real estate hoping it cushions their fall. It will provided property values keep increasing... but who has the $ to buy a $750K house on the island? If the market collapses like it did in 08, the banks will be bailed out.
4. If you’re one of 53% of Canadians who are a bar tab away from insolvency, you’re fucked. In all likelihood, homelessness has dramatically increased since the beginning of the pandemic.
5. Oh, and the QC government’s pandemic response has shifted between tHiS iS fInE and gO To bEd eArLy, pEaSaNt. *keeps factories and schools open*
So yeah, people are angry and they’re in the streets and they don’t know what to believe.
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