Hello! Just a little reminder for +every+ carat who’s planning to boycott Hao’s s0l0 because of the girl in the mv, just like how y’all abandon JuNhui’s solo with the same reason. Aren’t y’all happy that we’re finally getting them working on for solos +
finally proving that svt members are not just for a team based performance, but their individual skills and talents too. Grow up, you’re not a child to babysit anymore so please act your age. Don’t be jealous for something that’s not even yours.
Please treat the members’ solos fairly. Stream SBG, Spider and SBS once it is released. I’m sure the solos prepared are all made to be a masterpiece.
I am not making any dramas here. If you could’ve seen such nasty comments on SBG in Youtube and some comments on SVT Groups in Facebook, then might as well agree with me. They don’t really want to watch mvs with actresses on it.
Again, I do not want to cause any panic. They are just a small number of the CARAT comm, but imagine how hard Minghao worked for his solo just to be denied 🙅🏻‍♂️ peeps need to grow up you aren’t stanning from ‘09
if those peeps just knew winner they are prolly crying now ;-;
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