I was unfollowed & lacking of compassion yesterday for having questions about UBI and whether I will support it or not. People have a narrow view of economic implications and my reasons for being worried about unrestrained welfare. I hope to continue the conversation with others.
Some won't understand my reasons and their not easy to explain. I am a finance guy and economics major. I have a few ideas how economies work. It's a complicated issue. I ignore my own situation when evaluating UBI because I WOULD BENEFIT. I have no income for six years now.
I was hurt by the unfollow, just like all the people that called me a monster for not liking Joe Biden. If you are the same about UBI. Give me a break and just unfollow without calling me a monster and making a righteous speech. It hurts my head. I deserve better.
If you can talk about the pros and cons like an adult and informed adult, I would like to continue to learn about the government proposals and study the implications for our country, not just for myself. To think of oneself over their country is selfish and shortsighted.
As for my compassion. No one on twitter can judge me. I don't judge anyone and talk to everyone. No matter their politics. I don't kick people off my feed for disagreeing. Its lame and childish if you can't learn to disagree in an honorable fashion.
You can follow @DeanJC420.
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