Fatspo thread! Cringey fat acceptance edition ☆
First of all, losing weight doesn't necessarily mean doing... that, and second of all yes if I was so morbidly obese I'd do anything for it to change
People like black coffee because fatphobia
Just proving their point lmao
The rolls just consume everything, just like she consumes food
Bro i don't need a comment on this one
If you ever feel bad about yourself, just look at this and boom suddenly you're skinny
Please yall have dragged women in general into this bs, don't do it to trans men now
Yes because someone like that will make you look skinny
What not to eat
And now kids...
What is this supposed to mean like are we supposed to be impressed or???
Idk what to comment what is THIS 💀
Oh no people with body dysmorphia are scared to look as gross as me!!!
Why is the head so small
Babe be careful don't accidentally lose weight
End of thread!! ♡♡
Tags as always duh
#edtwt #fatspo #thinspo #chubspo #proana #meanspo
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