There’s so many stories of Black C*b*n “heroes” being “rumored” to be Abakua or Paleros or Santeros. I’m like baby. It’s not a rumor. I believe they were all part of one or all traditions. Literally what else was there for Black folks beyond our belief systems? What else? Like.
The real question should be “why WOULDN’T they be in African traditional spiritualities?” Whites been deluded for so long they think Black folks readily accept their imposition w no question. There are whole communities who BEEN rejected the imposition for CENTURIES til this day
From my observations, the more disenfranchised, the more likely the person *IS* part of traditional African spiritualities. & even further, the more dark-skinned. Gonna speak very clearly, there are folks who sought to "mix" on purpose & folks that were sexually abused into it.
There are swaths of Afrodescendants who aspired to assimilate into white society in Latin America, & a large part of that was "looking" the part ie-planning offspring that was lighter & whiter & what does assimilation mean? Leaving behind your imagined "backwards" spiritualities.
I joke about the tragic city mulatos throwing salt in Black movements. I'm only half joking. I am using "mulato" in the Latin American context based on its everyday usage in certain parts of the region. The "tragic mulato" trope doesn't just apply to North America.
&mind you there is the reality that even among those tragic mulatos eager to assimilate bc they were negotiating their means of survival (that is important to note) They may have also only OUTWARDLY renounced their African spiritualities to "keep up appearances." That is real to
*too. *too. And I'm also half joking abt the tragic city mulatos bc a lot of the preservation of some African traditional spiritualities CAME FROM the cities. Ab*kua came thru Matanz*s then H*v*na. Port cities. The C*b*n clave, the basis for um, music came from the PORTS in C*b*.
There are historical accounts of how flashy Black port laborers were in H*v*n*. They had sharpened teeth which was signature of some groups from the Calabar coast. To this day Ab*kua members are "flashy." I mean, we just inherently know that's that "Black cool." But anyways...
As it relates to my circles, pretty much everyone is a palero, santero, and/or Ab*kua. And these are folks who are by & large dark-skinned, live in intentionally marginalized barrios,have high engagement w the cops & are surveilled. This does not deviate from the history. At all.
Folks who are part of african traditional spiritualities don't "assimilate well." W good reason. So those that are generational in the religions tend to remain on the margins of white society. Meanwhile whites in power participate in these spiritualities bc they see the divinity.
A good chunk of Panama's presidents are either santeros themselves or have some ties to Yoruba. Racist pedo Nazi Arias would travel to Cuba often to see his awo. Billionaire money laundering ex-pres, Mart*nelli also has ties. I've seen this with my own eyes. But anyways chile.
And I am a nobody who knows and seen this info. Chile if Black people started collectively spilling all the tea on yts in power? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO wooooooooooo
And speaking of Arias traveling to C*b*. He had a meeting there one time with B*tista and also Truj*llo. Talk about a meeting of the despotic shitbags. My gawd. But just more accounts that power & interests be aligned and get together and work in solidarity.
I was watching a film about enslavery days in C*b* and there was a scene where folks were fellowshipping & a drunk white man is in the scene mingling. Im like why is he there& my husband laughed & was like you know the blanquitos always be in Black folk biz. Especially religious.
I'm like you right you right. Some were laborers too (pls do NOT bring up "white slavery" to me) and then you have others who been seen the power of traditional African spirituality and wanted in. And then you had the yts who liked to infiltrate Black communities to "have fun."
@LordeBarrington said "folks will come to understand that traditional african spiritual thought has been as central to our radical movements"-there is a "Monument to the 8 medical students" executed by the spaniards. The yts of course left out the 5 Abakua that tried to save them
That HUGE monument is for the 8 medical students. It is in all the "guide books" has signs & everything in H*v*n*. Only reason there is that homage to the 5 Abakua is bc the Abakua themselves did it. This is how the white power state FLAGRANTLY erases Black folks. A la cara papi.
Addendum: Has to be said though that when Black
folks *do* spill tea on whites in power we are targeted and executed. I couldn't let this thread go by without clearly saying that. Bc that is the reality, historically AND presently.
Anyways lemme get back to writing while crying.
Adding to: folks who are part of african traditional spiritualities don't "assimilate well." Difficult to "hispanicize" (christianize & impose spanish) on folks whose beings are grounded in their OWN traditional practices. The Iberians wanted to eliminate all "vestiges of Africa"
They wanted the bozal Africans to die off & the creole Black folks to adopt "Hispanic ways." Made laws to outlaw every African cultural manifestations. & STILL do this til this day. This is why I think those who prop up Latinidad are either colonizer spawn or extremely silly.
Not gon hold u. I was part of that silly crew& I get that white dominant culture conditions you *TO BE SILLY*so don't even take that word to heart. We go over this in our courses. Keeping it 100 enrollment is low & the course may be canceled. Black Spring: 
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