Seeing a lot of what amounts to vaccine nationalism being shared by Indian Twitter when it comes to the Pfizer vaccine.
A lot of these arguments boil down to “angoor khatte hai” or “mera Bharat mahan” which is fine but don’t hide behind twisted logic.
In February one journalistic outlet reported that Pfizer was bullying Latin American countries to put up embassies/military bases as collateral for indemnity.
This is being repeated ad nauseam as cases in India rise and discussions about vaccine shortages are happening.
That article, which has yet to be confirmed by any other outlet and reeks of Argentinian and Brazilian govt propaganda makes Pfizer out to be a Bond movie level evil organization, and so the conclusion is India doesn’t even need to negotiate with Pfizer.
Meanwhile a Brazilian newspaper has leaked the contract Pfizer signed with Brazil for vaccines. It’s a fairly standard contract with no discussions about extraordinary indemnity or “military bases” being put up as collateral. 
there’s plenty of reasons to be skeptical about anything in the world. But if your response to “why hasn’t India approved Pfizer, Modrna, or Sputnik?” is “India is too good for these foreign medicines” I would suggest you think again
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