In a very real sense, for instance, the Minneapolis police department forces the city’s government to extract wealth from residents to pay for the crimes of individual police officers. In a very real sense, the militarized police demand residents pay ransom.
Cities must raise revenues—that is, taxes—not only to pay for civil damages caused by criminal police officers, but pay the bankers who are profiting from the damage they caused.
Another pattern. Crowds gather peaceably. Cops instigate reactions from crowds. Reactions trigger police responses. Police responses result in arrest, injury or worse. They result in wholesale violations of constitutional rights and liberties.
Democrats at the state and local levels can act, but they won’t. They fear police unions, for one thing. They fear white residents, for another. Property owners in predominantly white neighborhoods tend to approve of police while believing police misconduct isn’t their problem.
But if white property owners understood that the problem is systemic, as one of freedom and democracy as well as racism and injustice, then perhaps they would not tolerate being forced to pay ransom for services they have a right to.
Welp, this thread is righteous but wrongly applied. Yesterday's shooting was in a Minneapolis suburb, not Minneapolis. My apologies.
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