So, recently there has been a lot of controversy around Anna and one of the hosts being Tin. It has now involved ECUM to an extent, so I felt obligated to say my piece on the matter. Along with to clear anything and get thoughts.
So, to give a TL;DR for what Tin did is that he called TWSG a stalker. This was in reference to her actions towards searching information about Henry Cavill's new girlfriend and from there it has exploded into basically a cesspool of drama. It's quite astonishing at how much.
After discussing the situation and been monitoring it. I felt it was time to say something rather than wait till Friday. I am very limited, given I am suspended from Twitter. Luckily, Twitter is fine with me using this account. So, a miracle has occurred. Anyway, I digress.
I do believe Tin did poorly communicate his point. I do believe a lot of things that should have been clarified wasn't. I believe it should have made clear on what stalking was being used. Since, colloquially we have two types. The criminal offence and 'social media stalking'
What Tin was referring to, was the social media kind. In which yes you would say a lot of people are guilty for. This should have been conveyed better and if it had, this would partially not spiral the way it did. However, I do think other aspects have made this worse.
For example, when the podcast got thrown in and mispresented. Saying how we like drama? Yet only one host is fully involved. Saying that Zod is also a host? Whilst most of these have been ironed out with the main individuals. It's worth addressing to show how this has exploded
I understand people's frustrations that they believed a serious accusation was done. I understand that anger and especially towards someone they have respect for. However, this has as I've said exploded. For example, someone who was partaking has been DM'ed transphobic stuff
For myself at least, I do feel what Anna did is something you would call weird. Along with something that based on defences are showcasing concerns. To give context, my career is Cyber-Security. So, this kind of stuff showcases a lot for an interesting case study
For example, people go well the media do it. Yet we criticise that same media, do we not? Also, it's bad there too. Others go well it's publicly available. Most information that people get is public. It's easier to do OSINT then doxxing. Since it's a much lower skill level
Individuals with malice (Anna to make clear isn't doing this), they aren't very tech informed. People also go many do it. Which again is why you see the increase in online privacy being pushed. Since so many people do this and thus people who don't know the line, exploit that.
There's a lot more in terms of a wider issue, is my point basically. I think a lot are overlooking that. That's what should've been conveyed. Not that Anna is x or y, not that Anna is a bad person. She isn't. Just what should've been conveyed is something along those lines
This is a very needless and messy situation. I think both sides could have avoided that. Tin and co could've conveyed better. Others pushing against could've conveyed better. Communication is crucial and a lot hasn't been done. Not by all, but it is there.
We also don't hold really anything against anyone. To be honest we've never had anything against Anna and still don't. Why would we? It's just needless drama at this point and genuinely could've been avoided.
Sorry for rambling on, just a lot of thoughts. This isn't even really all and probably more will occur. However, these are initial. Just a shame it exploded and I can see why on both sides realistically. Just a shame. Thanks for reading.

- Jeb
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