Ok, so mindfulness isn’t the only way...

But it is a way to begin to look at your life fresh. By practicing it you create a clearer sense of who you are and how you feel in any moment.

And you can start right now...

1/ Pause what you’re doing for a moment.

Relax your eyes, close them if you like. Rest your hands on your knees if you’re sitting or by your side if you’re standing.

Notice what it feels like to become still, just for a moment.
2/ Now notice how you are breathing.

Take a deep breath in and pause. Take a deep breath out and pause. Do this 5 times.

See how these deep breaths make you feel in your body.
3/ Now return the breath to a natural state.

Notice the gentleness of the inhalation and the gentleness of the exhalation. How the breath continues to support you, always.

This is the basis of how we anchor our attention. On the breath.
4/ Now notice how the mind wanders...

This is what minds do. They travel and take you on extraordinary journeys.

But it’s okay, because we can always remember the breath.
5/ You always remember to return to the breath.

You feel it’s gentleness. It’s support. You hold yourself there in stillness.

Then open your eyes and gently carry on with your day...
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