Warning, this thread contains guilt tripping and sexual harassment

My and other's experiences with Sage
A few months back me and Sage dated and most of the time I felt unsafe in the relasionship due to some things that were said and it has come to my attention she has said similar things to other people, that being expressing anger or saying they were gonna have a
breakdown over people not wanting to have sexual interactions with her like in these screenshots here (the bystanders and victim are censored to protect their privacy)
I should've said something about this a long time ago but tbh I didn't have the courage to speak about it until now, I also asked another friend who said she made him uncomfortable (also censored) now "X" is used for someone who sexually assaulted him awhile back
I'm so sorry if my wording is off with some parts and some stuff doesn't make sense, I'm making this thread with no sleep cuz I couldn't fall asleep cuz I couldn't stop thinking about this

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