Exactly it’s all just blamed on the “beliefs” which are tampered by the today’s society which makes them justify these points

Like should we not even go out anymore🤷🏽‍♀️ cause apparently men here are enticed by any type of clothing be it long or short

And I like how nobody(pt.1) https://twitter.com/ot7look/status/1381504409977253889
Blames the govt for this shit cause in the end aren’t they the ones who are supposedly responsible for our safety like all the “promises” only to be elected and ‘ live an aish zindagi’ with the 2% that pays the taxes

Like enforce the rules are u such a big pussy that u (pt.2)
Can’t even handle the public, u can’t even enforce rules cause ur worried about riots. This country is actually going nowhere up and these politicians are only here to ‘eat money’ and do nothing else

Yea such proud Indians we are:))

End of thread
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