Its monday morning again and your weekly reminder that you are in the midst of the largest social policy disaster in Canadian history.

Its a catastrophic failure across the entire governmental landscape. 1/
It's hard, inside a bubble, to see the magnitude of the failure. But consider the following.


1) 500 billion of direct gov't spending that we know of.

2) Billions of governmental loans that will never be repaid. Details still emerging.

3) 500 billion in money printing to support capital and bond markets.

4) Compromised fiscal control at the federal treasury. First world pillage and looting.

5) Tens of thousands of bankrupted businesses.

6) Personal insolvency at record levels approaching 60 percent.

Social Impacts
1) Arts community completely destroyed.

2) Education collasping and nearly nonexistent.

3) Unprecedented social and governmental distrust.

4) Mental health issues for millions.

5) A sputtering health care sector unable to serve its population.

This list goes on and on. All of this for a completely survivable virus that is highly age stratified. If you ever wonder why we can't stop, just imagine being the poor soul who told the truth. Would they survive, I doubt it. 5/
I've been repeatedly told for months, by those in gov't, the screw up is epic and that public health blew it. I didn't believe it, I couldn't imagine this level of incompetence. But I'm clearly wrong and here we are. 6/
I do sense this disaster is coming to end. Its no accident that gov't is rushing partially validated vaccines out the door and propaganda is blaring. They're done the cold calculation of risks and benifits. 7/
Public health is the root of this disaster and they will have to be dealt with. Inept is too light a word. Lets be clear, there are no second chances. End.
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