Hi there, Twitter! I'd like to tell you about the problems that open-source projects bump into. Those projects, that don't have million of dollars of investments. And even if they happen to have some — most of the money will be taken away by scammers.
a) No matter how cool your project is — you need to advertise and promote. Today is far beyond the year 2010, when one could fork Bitcoin, give it a funny name and get noticed in a second. Promotion requires a budget.
Imagine there are 20 people in the team (like ours), the team has collected some funds and wants to tell the world about the project. Where would it go? Crypto-media? (DON'T DO IT!).
Crypto-media review might cost you 3 to 20 thousand dollars,and you won't get any coverage for free. Majority of such media publish payed articles that are not read by it’s own readers.Same is with bloggers, telegram channels and almost any other sources. You'll waste your money.
Huge advertising budgets are often spent by scammers. E.g. all the crypto-media infrastructure is getting payed by scammers and supports them.

b) Suppose you've decided to go different way and grow your community by listing at crypto-exchanges (DON'T DO IT!).
You'll never get listed at @binance. Whilst this is probably the only exchange which does free listings in nowadays.
99% of other exchanges are probably scammers, even much worse than telegram channels with trading signals.
In average, you'll have to pay about $20k for listing, $20k more for liquidity in orderbooks. But because such exchanges can list 1 to 5 new coins/tokens per days - no-one will see your coin. There will be no new trades, no new traders and no money.
Even worse, by spending funds for listing at such exchanges you'll gain reputation losses. This is because you'll stand in the same row with scammers, who are sucking out people's money. And exchanges support such behavior.
By the way, is there anything that @cz_binance can say about it?
How does it happen that Binance seems to be the only exchange which can list for free?
How does it happen that open-source project has no way to get notice without having some famous person in the team?
All these exchanges — are more about money, about getting money from both - the project's community and it’s own traders. Most of them probably don't have real trading volumes, though Coinmarketcap displays billion dollar volumes.
For example, we've recently listed the project at the exchange. It declares to have a $1 billion trading volume, 2.2 million registered accounts. But in fact, after two weeks only 5 people joined our Telegram group. The project's road-map had an enourmos 2 extra views.
And the real trading volume during these two week barely reached $1500. E.g $100 per day.

These numbers are way lower than on any of the minor exchanges we are working with.

There are two ways to promote the project, but both of them don't work well.
Please, don't tell me that we have to do something really useful, innovative, and then the word of mouth will bring us to the new heights. No. It won't.
People don't go anywherу beyond the Coinmarketcap's front-page. Our community has spent 3 months to collect $50k.
And all it got was a reputation loss and a lot of headache.

We are working with blockchain that was born in 2014. We've been doing R&D on services around it for 4 years. We teach people to use cryptocurrencies, to stay safe from scammers, to keep bitcoins safe.
We are doing our best to test all new technologies (more details here https://ufobject.com/about/reasons-and-principles). We port all the updates that Bitcoin Core has.

NO ONE does it this way. A lot of projects are about collecting money from people. We have never cheated on honest people.
We've never offered to buy UFO for future profits. We are about open and honest game. Unfortunately UFO is not traded on big exchanges. And unfortunately big money is where ambiguous statements are.

Nobody will mention you for free, because everybody wants money.
And no exchange will list you, because no one is talking about you. No one will join you while Coinmarketcap volumes are below $10k. Come on, folks. Forget about cryptoprojects if you don't have famous name or money. It'll eat you up.
@Elonmusk will never tweet about you, because he'll never see you or read about you.

Head of @Binance @cz_binance won't list your project, because no one knows you. And Binance is the only exchange worth getting at.
But you won't become famous, because Binance is the only working tool of popularization.

Mister @cz_binance, how does it feel to have such power over the whole cryptoindustry?
It is supposed to be decentralized, but instead it looks like overcentralized because of you and your exchange.

I do understand that I am writing this text to the desk drawer. This thread probably won't get any attention. But you know, I wanted to share the emotions.
UFO project is more technological, honest, decentralized and more active than 90% of other crypto projects. Unfortunately, it is probably a part of those 10%, that are not presented at the promoted cryptomarket.
The project is moving on with implementing second Bitcoin whitepaper, Taproot is on it's way.

Please, tell me - are there a lot of projects that started way back in 2014, didn't participate in scams and are yet up and running?
Do you know a lot of them? They say that market shall decide. But what will it decide, if it is impossible to get into it.

We won't degrade anymore. We won't spend a cent on meaningless listings at exchanges with fake volumes.
Exchanges should support and list projects, without any requirements for liquidity. Media shall write articles without fees, if they really want to inform their readers about new projects.

Can you hear me guys? You won't get any of our sats anymore.
All available community budgets will be put into technological development. And in the next several years let's see who is gonna stay - where will go all the exchanges who take money for every step, and where will be all the projects that can keep none of their own promises.
What did @dogecoin do before @elonmusk started tweeting about the? Nothing.
They started to move only after the very that crazy promotion. And this is one of the most known cryptocurrencies, and it is available on all of the exchanges.
Why did they have to wait? What stops them from improving the project on everyday basis? I'll tell you — because it is not about crypto, it is about money.

Looks like people forgot what crypto stands for. Blockchain and decentralization lost their meaning.
They are an atavism, which is now lost in the past. New words are taking the rule: investing, promotion, managing, listing, staking, trading, competition and market-making. Market-f...king in general.
It is painful to see it, and it is a great shame to feel it. Internet remembers everything.

Screenshot this thread. Comeback in couple years and let's see who is fake and who is real.
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